Our trip to stavanger
Me and Bella started our trip to Marit in Stavanger 3rd of January. We had 760 km in front of us. We arrived late in the evening, the roads were not that good because of the weather. It felt like forever!
After we settled in I enjoyed a nice meal with Marit. Then it was time to hit the bed, I think I fell asleep at the same time my head hit the pillow..
The next day me and Bella drove to the city and did som sightseeing. Stavanger seems like a lovely town with nice architecture and lovely atmosphere. Next time I will visit in the summer!
In the evening I had a lovely dinner with Marit and her family, thank you!
The 5th of January Bella and Phillip had their first date! It was love at first sight! They really liked each other. So we had a successful mating! This was both Phillip and Bellas first time and they did a great job! ;-)
Later that day we went to a beach and took some photos, it was a lovely sunny day but cold!
Me and Marit went to a restaurant efter to eat and we took a couple of coffees and talked and talked.. :-)
The day after, 6th of January me and Bella was going home so we thought Bella and Phillip should have one last date. They hit it off again! Second mating was also a success! Those two really like each other, so fun to see.
We had a really nice couple of days in Stavanger. I loved to see Phillip in his every day life and not only at a dog show. I also got to meet Phillip’s mother Kita and she is a lovely dog. It was nice to see such balanced dogs with a lovely temper. Three males (Casso, Thanzi and Phillip) that gets along so nicely.
A big THANK YOU to Marit who opened her home to me and Bella! I had so much fun and for the hours of nice conversations.
And BIG THANK YOU for the trust to let me use your stunning prince Phillip!
The way home wasn’t easier.. The wind was very heavy and it rained a lot! And right after I passed the boarder to Sweden it was snowing a lot.. You couldn’t tell were the road went so I was exhausted when I finally got home.
I slept like a baby that can I ensure you! But our 1520 km trip was so worth it!
If all goes well we are expecting puppies in the beginning om March.